Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Moon

Okay so i know i haven't said much lately but i have great news very big news to me.okay my crush FINALLY!!! broke up with his gf.yay and i got the book "New Moon"today.i was supposed to go see the movie today but change of plans(as always)so as i wait for my crush lets call him...Apple.oh no lets call him Edward yeah.anyways Edward broke up with his gf so i'm happy.meaning i'm next in line so move over girls Bella's next in line.*sighs*if only he knew that see we're really great close friends so i don't want to ruin that(Good Moly i hope he doesn't read this)so in the time i shall wait I'm going to drool over Robert Pattinson for now.okay well i just wanted to post before X-Mas.i'll be back soon.

Merry Christmas to all

1 comment:

Ali said...

i hope you are next! that would be so great!

and just a random question-is your real name Bella?