Monday, December 1, 2008


YES!it's finally December the 1st.i've been waiting for this month for so long.i love winter i love snow and i simply love December...ok i'm done.yea so i know my blog is a little boring...okay it's very boring but i'm working on that.hey i'm still a new-be.well since i have truly nothing to say and one of my friends checks out my blog i wont say what i'm dying to say.okay so the picture of Bella
i just simply ja' just think.your Bella and Edward is looking into your eyes.i don't know about you but i could faint just thinking about it.
this picture reminds me of in the book when Edward stays while Bella is sleeping.

Kristen Stewart(Bella Swan) Robert Parttinson (Edward Cullen) by Clarissa1309.
if only i could be Bella right there for just 5minutes

Edward Cullen 4 by obsessedpastime.

i wonder what he smells like in this one...

okay so i'm going to stop before the whole blog is full of Edward Cullen.but just remember"behind every dream is a nightmare"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love all the pictures i wish i could meet Robert Pattinson.only i'd give