Saturday, December 13, 2008


Okay so i know you all are probably wondering"is her real name Bella or is that just her screen name?"well it's both.while my name is not Bella my middle however is Isabella so i always put down Bella instead of just Isabella.I'm 14 i was born in June 26th 1994 and as you all can obviously see i'm completely in love with Twilight.I am blunt all though i try not to be sometimes.I'm very nice and sweet.never am i mean unless if i'm having a really bad day and i feel like crap*rolls her eyes*but other then that...i'm pretty cool.I love cats and dogs(i shall never pick)and i hate to see poeple down rather i truly know the them or not.My nicknames are Bella,Izzy,Isa,Summer,Olive,Yellow(don't EVER call me Yellow tho)Twihard(all though that's anyones nickname who loves Twilight)and that's all the NN i can possibly rememebr right now.My favorite colors are Blue and Pink(yeah eww pink so what i like it)and right now all i want is Edward*winks*But he has me worried to dear life.i shan't say what he dos to make me worry but lets just say i can never sleep in peace until i know he's asleep or okay.That's all i shall say.Oh and Ali if your reading this Thank you so much for posting on my blog i truly do appreciate it.And today i'll be posting one more time and i'll let you know what else is up.Till next time.

PS.I refuse to say my first name so till then just call me one of my nicknames above(just Yellow)

1 comment:

Ali said...

You're totally welcome Bella! That's ok that I call you Bella right? Just makin sure.

You're only a little bit older than me! I was born July 18th, '94! :D

I'm definitely a Twihard! FOR SURE! I am totally in love with Twilight, its ridiculous!