I found these pics on PhotoBucket I just had to put up
how hot is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I think Dakota is so cute.and how hot is Edward taking off his shirt?Lolz my eyes glued to that very picture when i saw it
I think Mike is cute...
I love this pic of Ang.I wish i had her hair
always have been a fan of her...Okay I have followed a lot of ppl so far and i've been thinking everyone else blog is so...wow but mine is like...wow-er...okay lolz.So do me a fav and tell me what you think of my blog.I'd really love that more then anything...well i'm ending this short tonight.I'll post again.
cool blog:)
Thanks.I love yours tho
the Summer Slums
OMG! I absolutely LOVE your website too. It's so amazing ^_^ I'm going to spend some time looking through it. You found some great pictures of me and my friend. The whole blog looks ~really~ interesting, I can't wait to look through it all =)
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