Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day after birthday

So it's the day after my 15th birthday and it's been cool.
I went to the mall with my friend and it was so cool.
Let's see I got some black shoes,a huge black and white purse,some white sunglasses that are the same Joe Jonas wore,feather earrings,green scarf,a gray sweater...but the best part in it all was meeting Christy Romano...I'm like "OMG I'm such a huge fan of you.I can't believe it's you"
Christy Carlson Romano Pictures, Images and Photos
I can't believe I met this girl right here...~Jaw drops~Me and my friend both got her autograph and it was so cool.her hands are so soft I'm like "My hands are never this soft your sooooo pretty"...I can't believe it lolz.But okay I'm done.I had lots of fun today...Very fun,very fun...And tomorrow I'm going to Old Navy.I can't wait...Yea so me and my friend both had fun today.
Last night I started on my application for a job...short story I threw the application away and started all over again...I didn't think it was going to be this hard to fill out a job application...The one question that got me stuck was telling about myself and who I am and stuff like that...How can I get stuck on that part?! It's just telling people who I am...but I got stuck so I'm going to have to print out another application again and send this one off
Well that's all for now.I'm out till next time (=^_^=)

1 comment:

Jazzyyyyyy:) said...

Happy late bday! =) And your welcome!I followed you becuz , you followed me first and i i checked your blog and profile and you seem like a cool girl!It sounds like you had fun at Mall.