Okay I got this from my friend Alanna and I totally admire her for doing this bc for me...I would have spaced out after 20 so I'm going to try and do 100 facts about me lol.
- I'm obsessed with Ghost Whisperer
- My zune is my life even though I swear it hates me
- I'm a computer geek
- I hate chocolate
- I'm a worry-wat((Is that how you spell it? XD))
- I think almost every guy I see is cute
- I have a bad tendency of spacing out, trailing off. whatever you want to call it.
- idk if I'll be able to finish this list
- I've been to only 4concerts
- I admire my friends
- I'm random
- I can be sarcastic
- I can twist my hand around
- I can make one eye go in a different direction while my other eyes stays still
- I love being myself
- I stay up really late at night
- I get bored easily
- When I was younger I had a weird dream that made me terrified to go into my bathroom
- I'm always laughing about something that has happened either the day before or years ago
- I hate beggars
- I hardly ever take no for an answer
- I'm only doing this list bc I'm bored and my friend did it
- I'm off to see Princess and the Frog tomorrow
- I love helping others tho it stresses me out sometimes
- I have a big smile
- I also hate the cold...weird huh? :/
- I'm not into dresses nor skirts...Let alone shorts
- I'm not into horror movies unless it's Halloween
- I'm still a huge fan of Christmas
- I'd rather give then take
- I hardly watch tv anymore
- My favorite book at this moment is "Fallen" By Lauren Kate.
- I am insanely obsessed with B&N
- I love books
- My brother is Autistic
- I tell myself some days "If I was a boy. I'd date myself."
- I'm not a fan of texting.
- Never really have been
- I hate the heat
- If I make it to 100...God bless me lol
- I really want to be an OB/Gyn when I get older but the sight of blood freaks me out
- I have no problem laughing at myself
- I don't give a crap what others think of me
- I wear converses with dresses
- My favorite color is pink and blue((sky blue might I say))
- Sometimes I bite my nails when I'm thinking.
- When I'm super UBER nerves I space out, palms sweat and soon pass out
- I'm a wall-flower
- idk if I'll be able to finish this lol
- I'm a book worm
- I'm really weird so my friends tell me
- My friends are weird((Love them bc of that lol))
- I'm into Star Wars((Thanks to my bf))
- If someone asks me to buy them something I'll say yes no Q's asked
- I'm to nice for my own good
- I have back problems
- I love day dreaming
- My favorite store is B&N
- My second favorite store is Borders
- I use to be a cheerleader
- My friends tell me I'm funny
- When there's a lot of ppl around me I get like a deer caught in headlights
- I have a slight accent so I'm told
- I get cold very easily
- I hate washing my hair bc it frizzes up like a troll
- I love the rain
- My favorite season has to be either Winter or Fall
- My mind is starting to trail off
- I have trouble staying up after 5am
- I love challenging myself
- I wouldn't change myself for anyone
- I'm not into that whole love big crush on celebrities that much
- I cried when I heard Nicklbacks song "Never gonna be alone."
- I'm a fan of Lady Gaga even though she freaks me out
- I enjoy the smell of cig smoke((Idk why either!))
- Doesn't mean I'll smoke when I get older
- I think smoking is bad and just down right disgusting
- I've spent half of my life in Germany
- I still call my cat "My baby" even though I gave her to my friend when I moved away
- I still miss my baby
- I have like 5emails
- Maybe 6...idk
- I have to listen to music while doing my HW or I wont ever get it done
- I promised one of my blogger friends I'd post a new post soon
- After this post I'm off to read Fallen
- I'm always smiling to myself about something
- Sometimes I myself don't know why I'm smiling to myself
- It's so cold out right now
- I always keep myself busy doing something
- If I don't my mind will start wondering and thinking about things I don't want to think about
- I've had my heart broken only once
- Yes, it was my Edward who broke my heart
- I have a new Edward now...
- I also have a Jacob((And his name is Jacob lol XD))
- I'm tired been going to bed late lately
- This list kind of sucks to me
- I'll mock my bf and friends sometimes by patting then on the head and saying "Good girl/boy." lol
- I love my "Me" time
- I get scared so very easily
- 100. I love writing poems yet suck at writing stories =_=
I do indeed thank my friend Alanna for doing her "100 random facts." And now I am off to read...again.