Monday, December 21, 2009

100 facts

Okay I got this from my friend Alanna and I totally admire her for doing this bc for me...I would have spaced out after 20 so I'm going to try and do 100 facts about me lol.

  1. I'm obsessed with Ghost Whisperer
  2. My zune is my life even though I swear it hates me
  3. I'm a computer geek
  4. I hate chocolate
  5. I'm a worry-wat((Is that how you spell it? XD))
  6. I think almost every guy I see is cute
  7. I have a bad tendency of spacing out, trailing off. whatever you want to call it.
  8. idk if I'll be able to finish this list
  9. I've been to only 4concerts
  10. I admire my friends
  11. I'm random
  12. I can be sarcastic
  13. I can twist my hand around
  14. I can make one eye go in a different direction while my other eyes stays still
  15. I love being myself
  16. I stay up really late at night
  17. I get bored easily
  18. When I was younger I had a weird dream that made me terrified to go into my bathroom
  19. I'm always laughing about something that has happened either the day before or years ago
  20. I hate beggars
  21. I hardly ever take no for an answer
  22. I'm only doing this list bc I'm bored and my friend did it
  23. I'm off to see Princess and the Frog tomorrow
  24. I love helping others tho it stresses me out sometimes
  25. I have a big smile
  26. I also hate the cold...weird huh? :/
  27. I'm not into dresses nor skirts...Let alone shorts
  28. I'm not into horror movies unless it's Halloween
  29. I'm still a huge fan of Christmas
  30. I'd rather give then take
  31. I hardly watch tv anymore
  32. My favorite book at this moment is "Fallen" By Lauren Kate.
  33. I am insanely obsessed with B&N
  34. I love books
  35. My brother is Autistic
  36. I tell myself some days "If I was a boy. I'd date myself."
  37. I'm not a fan of texting.
  38. Never really have been
  39. I hate the heat
  40. If I make it to 100...God bless me lol
  41. I really want to be an OB/Gyn when I get older but the sight of blood freaks me out
  42. I have no problem laughing at myself
  43. I don't give a crap what others think of me
  44. I wear converses with dresses
  45. My favorite color is pink and blue((sky blue might I say))
  46. Sometimes I bite my nails when I'm thinking.
  47. When I'm super UBER nerves I space out, palms sweat and soon pass out
  48. I'm a wall-flower
  49. idk if I'll be able to finish this lol
  50. I'm a book worm
  51. I'm really weird so my friends tell me
  52. My friends are weird((Love them bc of that lol))
  53. I'm into Star Wars((Thanks to my bf))
  54. If someone asks me to buy them something I'll say yes no Q's asked
  55. I'm to nice for my own good
  56. I have back problems
  57. I love day dreaming
  58. My favorite store is B&N
  59. My second favorite store is Borders
  60. I use to be a cheerleader
  61. My friends tell me I'm funny
  62. When there's a lot of ppl around me I get like a deer caught in headlights
  63. I have a slight accent so I'm told
  64. I get cold very easily
  65. I hate washing my hair bc it frizzes up like a troll
  66. I love the rain
  67. My favorite season has to be either Winter or Fall
  68. My mind is starting to trail off
  69. I have trouble staying up after 5am
  70. I love challenging myself
  71. I wouldn't change myself for anyone
  72. I'm not into that whole love big crush on celebrities that much
  73. I cried when I heard Nicklbacks song "Never gonna be alone."
  74. I'm a fan of Lady Gaga even though she freaks me out
  75. I enjoy the smell of cig smoke((Idk why either!))
  76. Doesn't mean I'll smoke when I get older
  77. I think smoking is bad and just down right disgusting
  78. I've spent half of my life in Germany
  79. I still call my cat "My baby" even though I gave her to my friend when I moved away
  80. I still miss my baby
  81. I have like 5emails
  82. Maybe 6...idk
  83. I have to listen to music while doing my HW or I wont ever get it done
  84. I promised one of my blogger friends I'd post a new post soon
  85. After this post I'm off to read Fallen
  86. I'm always smiling to myself about something
  87. Sometimes I myself don't know why I'm smiling to myself
  88. It's so cold out right now
  89. I always keep myself busy doing something
  90. If I don't my mind will start wondering and thinking about things I don't want to think about
  91. I've had my heart broken only once
  92. Yes, it was my Edward who broke my heart
  93. I have a new Edward now...
  94. I also have a Jacob((And his name is Jacob lol XD))
  95. I'm tired been going to bed late lately
  96. This list kind of sucks to me
  97. I'll mock my bf and friends sometimes by patting then on the head and saying "Good girl/boy." lol
  98. I love my "Me" time
  99. I get scared so very easily
  100. 100. I love writing poems yet suck at writing stories =_=
Yay!!!! I made it through the list without spacing out much.
I do indeed thank my friend Alanna for doing her "100 random facts." And now I am off to read...again.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Halloween is right around the corner!
I hope you all
are ready!I know I am.I myself will be trick or treating((yes at my age)) as Bella Swan((Tight jeans,shirt with plaid shirt over it, and a jean jacket with sneakers)) I'm very serious too >__>
Well I'm out to finish all my Halloween stuff! Do tell me what you guys are going as!


New Moon - Bella Swan Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, September 11, 2009

Crazy laugh

I found this video on the's a MUST see


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Miss Bella playing the guitar?

Yes this is true.I miss Isabella Giardina is going to learn to play the guitar.My friend plays the guitar and is willing to help me.And also the help from this site too.

Very good!She is going to help me along with on of her friends.

That's one of my favorites lolz.She's really good.Check her video's out.Tell me or tell her what you think about them! TTYL!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bulimia nervosa

Well there's something you don't really see everyday...Or even really hear about on the news much.Am I wrong?Now I know what your thinking "What's the point in doing this post? or why post something like this?" well it's bc I was board and randomly looked this up after watching Degrassi where Emma gets an eating disorder.Here's the link if you all don't know what Bulimia nervosa mean "Bulimia nervosa". there's that one and "Anorexia nervosa". And here's a link to all the known eating disorders "Eating disorders".The reason I put these up is bc some ppl know what they are and then some do not know anything about them.My sister kind of has an eating disorder. She is Anorexia.Having an eating disorder is not only bad for your health but also bad for your stomach.Did you know that when you have an eating disorder your stomach starts to eat it's self until you die?!((Trying to freak my sister out here lol))But it's still not a good thing to have.So if you or anyone you know has an eating disorder you can call this number "1-800-931-2237" for free.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Comic Con 09 live?

Yea so the Comic Con 09 has probably been over for a couple of days but I forgot to post this up after watching the Comic Con 09 live.But before I get to talking about the Comic Con 09 it's self tell me this...Didn't Olivia look just cute in her outfits? and Mike right before the Comic Con 09 live was ending his outfit was...ahhh something I'd expect from him lol.Very nice though.Okay so about the Comic Con 09.Very nice a lot of people were there...I wish I could have gone there but I probably would have gotten lost within all those ppl there lol...Now I don't like to follow what everyone else is posting like all these other Twilight lovers do.But I'm only doing this bc I meant to do it the day after the Comic Con 09 live but I forgot((Like I always do)).Now my favorite part in the whole Comic Con 09 had to be when Olivia had on all those outfits and the other cosplays of outfits.Very nice.And seeing Elijah Wood Interview was so cool.I'm a huge fan of him.And that Megan Fox interview was hot. you know apart from the bloody parts said in the interview it was hot lol.And The Kevin and Olivia Costume Parade
was funny.Oliva looks good in those costumes.Mike was funny tho sad he only whore like was it 2 costumes were funny. Now everyone knows that the Twilight cast was there so I'm not going to talk about them.All in all the Comic Con 09 live was cool.I hope you all who didn't get to go watched it on t.v. That's all for now.Be checking back for more "Random Bella"

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Edward Google??????

Okay so normally I'm not the typed to follow all these other "Twilight" obsessed blogs and post what's already up but I had to post this up.I was reading the other blogs and came across the "Edward Google"
I think it's so cool.I just love it.I kind of wish Google would stay like that.It's so cool.I mean the way it's dark purple with Edwards face is just...Awesome!!!

That's all on my post today.
SUPER KAWAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Wonder Girls

wg Pictures, Images and Photos
yes The Wonder Girls is a group.A Korean group.Their going on tour with the Jonas Brothers.I'm such a HUGE fan of the Wonder Girls
Sweet Wonder Girls Pictures, Images and Photos
They sing my favorite songs "You're out and Nobody"
The names are
When you all have the chance you should check them out...Short post today.Post later

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Human Cruelty?

I was reading my email when I came to a stop.In my inbox was an email from a friend of mine...Not paying much attention to it I opened it up and normally for me I just scroll all the way down without reading anything about it.But I stopped at a link and clicked on it.Before my eyes was I watching not only a horror but cruelty video of animals being abused.As I watched in horror I could not believe what my eyes were seeing.Oh my gosh it stabbed me right into the heart...Here's the link I clicked on...But may I warn you.This video you are about to click on contains beating and abusing an animal.If you can not take it then this isn't for you.

Pledge to go fur-free at

After watching this video I never looked at another human being the same again.Please help stop animal abuse!


P.S Me,Ali, and Vanilla finally have our new post up on our new blog if anyone wants to check it out.Thanks~!~

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is wrong with everyone these days?

Hey bloogers,
So I've been thinking and wondering.24/7 it's finally getting to me...I am so sick of hearing about Twilight...I'm not sick sick but I'm close.In the bookstores it's all about Twilight.On the blogs all about either Robert or Twilight it's self.Don't get me wrong now I love Twilight and Robert but...A little sick of it just a little
Anyways I finally got to sleep last night at like 5:39am when it was getting light out.Time really flies when it's getting light out.Still tired and not to mention I feel so horrible.It's like my whole day is being rained on by some invisible cloud that I can't see or find just yet...Kind of sucks in a way.But maybe tomorrow will be different.Only time will show at this rate I guess...And on the same boat shall I talk about Eclipse...Almost at the end of the book Bella is pulled between Edward her love and Jacob her friend who she also loves.My question is...What if you were in Bella's position?No not the vampire/werewolf thing the love of your life and your best friend who you also love but you know you can't live without the love of your life which is Edward...What would you do?Who would you chose?And what would you tell the other person?

But in the meanwhile I woke up this morning and put on my favorite skirt...Something stunned me when I looked at myself in the mirror.Something that made me double check to see if it was my body...My legs skinny
Sexy Asian girls Pictures, Images and Photos
I've always wanted my legs to look like that and they do.I mean dun get me wrong I'm skinny.Size 2/1 weigh 102lbs so yea I'm skinny I didn't do was so cool I couldn't take my eyes off myself.Beautiful as always lolz
well that's all for now

Sleepy Bella?

Hey all,
I can't sleep.I don't know why.It's 5:00am now and still awake.wired huh?

Our new blog is coming along.still have yet to post anything up but we're waiting for my sister who has the West Nile Virus.she says it's mild but yea right.I'm dearly much worried about her.

Anyways we have so far 2followers which is better then nothing right? lolz

Anyways I'm going to try and hit the hay and hopefully be rested up for tomorrow's work on our new blog again.Wish us luck everyone and if you do happen to drop by our new blog u can either follow or post a comment off to the side of our blog.Thanks so much <3


Friday, July 10, 2009

As told by teens

So my sister and my BFF have both created our new blog called "As told by teens" here's the link to it

check it out and follow please.
We have yet to post anything up just yet.but please do tell me what you think about it.I'll still be posting on this blog as well

Thanks and I'll post again later

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great news!

Okay great news everyone,
Me,my sister, and my BFF are both teaming up for our new blog.It'll still be connected to mine all you'll have to do is go to my profile and check it out.

It's not up yet but we're working on it.I'll keep you all informed as much as possible


Monday, July 6, 2009

Bella and Edward Cullen's Diary?????

Okay yes you read right.Both Bella and Edward both have a diary here's the link to it

this link will lead you to not only Bella's but also Edwards diary as well

I'll be back later with more posts.


P.S RenEsMeE CuLlen how to put pictures up on your blog is to go to and look for a picture.Once you've found the picture you want go down and click on what says HTML Code.Copy that and post it in your next post on your blog

Sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I was so busy.Hope it helps ^_^

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy 48th Birthday Princess Diana!

Today is Princess Diana's birthday.The Princess of Wales
Princess Diana Pictures, Images and Photos
princess diana 1981 Pictures, Images and Photos
Princess Diana was only 20 when she married Prince Charles who was only 3something at the time.In the time of her wedding it was widely billed as a fairytale wedding
Princess Diana's Wedding Pictures, Images and Photos
PRiNCESS DiANA Pictures, Images and Photos
Wedding to Prince Charles Pictures, Images and Photos
Princess Diana On Her Wedding Day To Prince Charles Pictures, Images and Photos
Prince and Princess of Wales Pictures, Images and Photos
Prince and Princess of Wales Pictures, Images and Photos
Princess Diana was widely loved for her kindness,sweetness, and how much she cared for the world around her
THE princess Pictures, Images and Photos
Princess Diana Pictures, Images and Photos
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princess diana Pictures, Images and Photos
Princess Diana Pictures, Images and Photos
On June the 21st 1982 Princess Diana gave birth to her son and heir,Prince William
Prince William Pictures, Images and Photos
prince william Pictures, Images and Photos
On September 15 1984 Princess Diana gave birth to her second son and heir,Prince Henry
prince henry Pictures, Images and Photos
Princess Diana did a lot before her time ran out such as helped with kids,visited the sick and dying
Princess Diana Pictures, Images and Photos
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On 28 August 1996 Princess Diana and Prince Charles divorced
Prince Charles, Prince William and Princess Diana Pictures, Images and Photos
On 31 August 1997, Diana died after a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris along with Dodi Al-Fayed.After her death the whole world grieved over her for so long.The hurt that crossed the world...Here today yet gine tomorrow.But never forgotten
diana Pictures, Images and Photos

A tribute to Farrah Fawcett

A tribute to our Angel Farrah Fawcett.You'll always be in our hearts dear Angel

FARRAH FAWCETT Pictures, Images and Photos
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Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
She had our hearts from the moment we saw her.Playing Jill Munroe on Charlie's Angels may we never forget Farrah
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
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Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
Farrah Fawcett Pictures, Images and Photos
As the world grieves and mourns over the many losts.We all grieve over Farrah Fawcett as well as others.
May the heavens lift you high as the Angels sing for they have you now in their arms may the warm love flow that you feel no more pain.The world will never forget our lost icon Farrah Fawcett
FARRAH FAWCETT Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, June 27, 2009

M.J Tribute

Just another post to M.J for the wonderful years he's made for his fans and family

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Michael Rulz Pictures, Images and Photos
Michael Jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
Michael Jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
Our King Of Pop may you rest in peace our love
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
The one who we all grew up too
Michael Jackson (Smooth Criminal) Pictures, Images and Photos
The one who the world cried over when left.We will never forget you.And even though you may not want us to grieve over you.The world will never forget you...You can rest now dear love...May you know you are never forgotten...R.I.P dear Michel Jackson
michael jackson the king of pop Pictures, Images and Photos
May the angels hold you high and the doves sing...For God has you now and loves you dearly...Goodbye