Saturday, January 29, 2011


These are crocheted flowers and a crocheted scarf I made.
I just took up crocheting late last month/earlier this year((If that makes sense)) and so far, I've been doing really well.
I'll post more of my stuff up as I make them! ^^

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm turning my ways away.

Now that I actually have guys liking me.
Which feels so great!
I'm turning my sexuality to being a lesbo.
Seems like that will be the only way I'll be with someone...
So from this day on...Instead of feeling wonderful and beautiful when guys actually find me...pretty or beautiful...I'm going to be looking for girls((Not what I want but...Parents are just so not open to what teens want to say))
Also I'll be cleaning up my blog a little as well so make sure to keep checking in.

Please note: the writer of this blog was mad when she wrote this post. I'm sure I'll change my sexuality back to being straight later.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blasting the night away

I,myself just got back from an awesome party!
At first I was that turtle in the corner who wouldn't move nor dance for nothing UNTIL like later in the party did I actually start dancing and not being so shy. I also slow danced for the very first time in my life with a boy...
Only my friends who actually saw me and made faces at me actually know how...Awesome that slow dance was for me!
The slow dance was awesome lol
I stepped on his feet and he did the same to me by accident b.c we didn't know how to dance but it was just soo awesome!
And yes for those who are profoundly wondering.
He was cute.
All in all I had beyond words of a blast.
So now I'm getting off and going to bed b.c it's been one busy week/day.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New cell phone I just got today!

That's right. I just got myself a new cell!
Isn't it awesome?

I wanted mine in pink but they were all out so I went with Orange instead.
It was either dark blue or orange.
The blue kind of made me depressed looking at it for that long.
I have unlimited texting as well which is awesome.
And 500 minutes on it for talking.
Cool right!?
well I'm off for the night!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm baaack!

Okay so sorry that I haven't really been posting as much as you all would like me too. I've been busy. Valentines day is coming up soon. What are your plans for it? What and who will you be spending it with? Me?...idk yet. Let's not get on the subject of Valentines day right now.

I haven't really been up to much. Reading, school, etc, etc.
Uh, Hinamatsuri will be in March 3rd so I will probably be busy in March as well. Just wanted everyone to know! What is Hinamatsuri you ask?
Here's the link to it bc at the moment I kind of don't feel like explaining it. I'm sorry! :(
But I'll post more up soon but I have to go now.

Monday, December 21, 2009

100 facts

Okay I got this from my friend Alanna and I totally admire her for doing this bc for me...I would have spaced out after 20 so I'm going to try and do 100 facts about me lol.

  1. I'm obsessed with Ghost Whisperer
  2. My zune is my life even though I swear it hates me
  3. I'm a computer geek
  4. I hate chocolate
  5. I'm a worry-wat((Is that how you spell it? XD))
  6. I think almost every guy I see is cute
  7. I have a bad tendency of spacing out, trailing off. whatever you want to call it.
  8. idk if I'll be able to finish this list
  9. I've been to only 4concerts
  10. I admire my friends
  11. I'm random
  12. I can be sarcastic
  13. I can twist my hand around
  14. I can make one eye go in a different direction while my other eyes stays still
  15. I love being myself
  16. I stay up really late at night
  17. I get bored easily
  18. When I was younger I had a weird dream that made me terrified to go into my bathroom
  19. I'm always laughing about something that has happened either the day before or years ago
  20. I hate beggars
  21. I hardly ever take no for an answer
  22. I'm only doing this list bc I'm bored and my friend did it
  23. I'm off to see Princess and the Frog tomorrow
  24. I love helping others tho it stresses me out sometimes
  25. I have a big smile
  26. I also hate the cold...weird huh? :/
  27. I'm not into dresses nor skirts...Let alone shorts
  28. I'm not into horror movies unless it's Halloween
  29. I'm still a huge fan of Christmas
  30. I'd rather give then take
  31. I hardly watch tv anymore
  32. My favorite book at this moment is "Fallen" By Lauren Kate.
  33. I am insanely obsessed with B&N
  34. I love books
  35. My brother is Autistic
  36. I tell myself some days "If I was a boy. I'd date myself."
  37. I'm not a fan of texting.
  38. Never really have been
  39. I hate the heat
  40. If I make it to 100...God bless me lol
  41. I really want to be an OB/Gyn when I get older but the sight of blood freaks me out
  42. I have no problem laughing at myself
  43. I don't give a crap what others think of me
  44. I wear converses with dresses
  45. My favorite color is pink and blue((sky blue might I say))
  46. Sometimes I bite my nails when I'm thinking.
  47. When I'm super UBER nerves I space out, palms sweat and soon pass out
  48. I'm a wall-flower
  49. idk if I'll be able to finish this lol
  50. I'm a book worm
  51. I'm really weird so my friends tell me
  52. My friends are weird((Love them bc of that lol))
  53. I'm into Star Wars((Thanks to my bf))
  54. If someone asks me to buy them something I'll say yes no Q's asked
  55. I'm to nice for my own good
  56. I have back problems
  57. I love day dreaming
  58. My favorite store is B&N
  59. My second favorite store is Borders
  60. I use to be a cheerleader
  61. My friends tell me I'm funny
  62. When there's a lot of ppl around me I get like a deer caught in headlights
  63. I have a slight accent so I'm told
  64. I get cold very easily
  65. I hate washing my hair bc it frizzes up like a troll
  66. I love the rain
  67. My favorite season has to be either Winter or Fall
  68. My mind is starting to trail off
  69. I have trouble staying up after 5am
  70. I love challenging myself
  71. I wouldn't change myself for anyone
  72. I'm not into that whole love big crush on celebrities that much
  73. I cried when I heard Nicklbacks song "Never gonna be alone."
  74. I'm a fan of Lady Gaga even though she freaks me out
  75. I enjoy the smell of cig smoke((Idk why either!))
  76. Doesn't mean I'll smoke when I get older
  77. I think smoking is bad and just down right disgusting
  78. I've spent half of my life in Germany
  79. I still call my cat "My baby" even though I gave her to my friend when I moved away
  80. I still miss my baby
  81. I have like 5emails
  82. Maybe 6...idk
  83. I have to listen to music while doing my HW or I wont ever get it done
  84. I promised one of my blogger friends I'd post a new post soon
  85. After this post I'm off to read Fallen
  86. I'm always smiling to myself about something
  87. Sometimes I myself don't know why I'm smiling to myself
  88. It's so cold out right now
  89. I always keep myself busy doing something
  90. If I don't my mind will start wondering and thinking about things I don't want to think about
  91. I've had my heart broken only once
  92. Yes, it was my Edward who broke my heart
  93. I have a new Edward now...
  94. I also have a Jacob((And his name is Jacob lol XD))
  95. I'm tired been going to bed late lately
  96. This list kind of sucks to me
  97. I'll mock my bf and friends sometimes by patting then on the head and saying "Good girl/boy." lol
  98. I love my "Me" time
  99. I get scared so very easily
  100. 100. I love writing poems yet suck at writing stories =_=
Yay!!!! I made it through the list without spacing out much.
I do indeed thank my friend Alanna for doing her "100 random facts." And now I am off to read...again.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Halloween is right around the corner!
I hope you all
are ready!I know I am.I myself will be trick or treating((yes at my age)) as Bella Swan((Tight jeans,shirt with plaid shirt over it, and a jean jacket with sneakers)) I'm very serious too >__>
Well I'm out to finish all my Halloween stuff! Do tell me what you guys are going as!


New Moon - Bella Swan Pictures, Images and Photos