Saturday, June 27, 2009

M.J Tribute

Just another post to M.J for the wonderful years he's made for his fans and family

michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
Michael Rulz Pictures, Images and Photos
Michael Jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
Michael Jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
Our King Of Pop may you rest in peace our love
michael jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
The one who we all grew up too
Michael Jackson (Smooth Criminal) Pictures, Images and Photos
The one who the world cried over when left.We will never forget you.And even though you may not want us to grieve over you.The world will never forget you...You can rest now dear love...May you know you are never forgotten...R.I.P dear Michel Jackson
michael jackson the king of pop Pictures, Images and Photos
May the angels hold you high and the doves sing...For God has you now and loves you dearly...Goodbye

Day after birthday

So it's the day after my 15th birthday and it's been cool.
I went to the mall with my friend and it was so cool.
Let's see I got some black shoes,a huge black and white purse,some white sunglasses that are the same Joe Jonas wore,feather earrings,green scarf,a gray sweater...but the best part in it all was meeting Christy Romano...I'm like "OMG I'm such a huge fan of you.I can't believe it's you"
Christy Carlson Romano Pictures, Images and Photos
I can't believe I met this girl right here...~Jaw drops~Me and my friend both got her autograph and it was so cool.her hands are so soft I'm like "My hands are never this soft your sooooo pretty"...I can't believe it lolz.But okay I'm done.I had lots of fun today...Very fun,very fun...And tomorrow I'm going to Old Navy.I can't wait...Yea so me and my friend both had fun today.
Last night I started on my application for a job...short story I threw the application away and started all over again...I didn't think it was going to be this hard to fill out a job application...The one question that got me stuck was telling about myself and who I am and stuff like that...How can I get stuck on that part?! It's just telling people who I am...but I got stuck so I'm going to have to print out another application again and send this one off
Well that's all for now.I'm out till next time (=^_^=)

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today has been a sad day so far...Michel Jackson died at age of 50 and Farrah fawcett

OMG I can't believe MJ is gone...I grew up to him

I don't want to post anymore...It's to hard such a shock.A punch in the gut,in the face


P.S R.I.P MJ & Farrah Fawceet

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Last days of 14?

What on earth has my days become now?...My last days of being 14?...I feel a sense of sorrow coming on...Something saying your days of being 14 are soon coming to an end and I should make them last as much as I can...So I've decided to enjoy my last 2days of being 14.

Anyways I got cards today
$100 + 50 + 33 = $183
yea that's how much money I have now.How cool?
I'm also getting my hair done tomorrow at 6pm. I can't wait.Well I'm not posting much right now.maybe later.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Drivers ED for Miss Bella Giardina?

Okay so this summer I'm thinking about signing up for Drivers ED online yes you can sign up for it online by going to so I'll probably be doing that for my summer lolz.So this Friday is my 15th birthday...I hope everyone is going to wish me a Happy Birthday because if you don't...I'll hunt you down in your sleep...MAWHAHAHAHAHA lolz anyways my back and shoulder have been really killing me lately.I have to go to the Doctor to find out what's bothering it.It's like theres a pulling at my right shoulder and if I don't do something about it,it hurts even more then's very annoying and then my back.when I'm sleeping my back wakes me up by...I guess throbbing in pain...very wired.anyways I've found a plan on staying toned in shape for the summer

My 6-week plan

Week 1
Mon-Cardio and abs
Wed-Cardio and butt
Fri-Cardio and legs

Week 2
Tue-Cardio and arms and chest
Thurs-Cardio and abs
Sat-Cardio and butt

Week 3
Mon-Cardio and legs
Wed-Cardio and arms and chest
Fri-Cardio and abs

Week 4
Tue-Cardio and butt
Thurs-Cardio and legs
Sat-Cardio and arms and chest

Week 5
Mon-Cardio and abs
Wed-Cardio and butt
Fri-Cardio and legs

week 6
Tue-Cardio and arms and chest
Thurs-Cardio and abs
Sat-Cardio and butt

wow that was a lot of typing.there's more I want to type but I'll finish some other day...bye!


Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hey every one,
What is up? okay first of all I really want to give a HUGE thanks to Angela_Webber Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for commenting and following me.It means more then words to me

Okay so since it's summer FINALLY I've decided to look for some cool yet fun ways to stay in shape.I weigh like 101lbs lolz I'm not losing anything just staying in shape lolz

So this up coming Friday is my 15 birthday.yes indeed.I'm planing on going to the mall with some of my friends.I can't wait

Speaking of can't wait I also can't wait to be a cheerleader again.But the fact that I'm still in pain a little from doing my old moves probably isn't a very good idea right now huh?

I've gone from cutting my nails off short to letting them grow longer.
Seventeen 07/09 Pictures, Images and Photos
I have no idea who he is but I just thought he was really cute lol
Seventeen Pictures, Images and Photos
I LOVE Seventeen

well I'm tired to finish anymore be back soon for more posts byee!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I must be dreaming

First off I want to thank everyone who is following me.
It means a LOT to me that your all following me.
So how is everyone so far on their Summer VA-K?Good I hope

So I'm totally a HUGE fan of Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato.
I like the show Sunny with a chance

DEmI lOvAto Pictures, Images and Photos

Yea HUGE fan of her as well
Taylor Swift Pictures, Images and Photos
Cute yes?

I LOVE demi's hair and Taylor's...they both are just simply beautiful.
My Summer is going okay so far.I saw Imagine that with friends.Loved it and I went shopping with one...Anyways Thanks again to the follows who follow little'ol me.It really means a lot to me.

I'm ending this post with a little reminder
Team Edward because Jacob doesn't sparkle

Friday, June 12, 2009

Shut up and let me go!

What's up peeps?!
lolz I'm in the misery state of my life...Can't drive yet,can't go out on dates cos I'm way to young and I can't dress the way I want to without having to hear comments or looks by it...ugh!

So I've been thinking about throwing a Twilight party thanks to Confessions of a TwiCrack Addict for the idea.I'm going to throw a very classic Twilight party.

I've randomly became Unconditionally and Irrevocably in love with Michael Welch.I mean come on?! He is soo hot! now I can't get over how cute he is...

But onto a new subject...The movie Imagine that seems like a wonderful.going to go and see it today.Tell u what i thought about it later


Thursday, June 11, 2009


Okay for all of you who don't know what it means Twiran means "Twilight Random"
I found these pics on PhotoBucket I just had to put up
twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

new moon Pictures, Images and Photos
how hot is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
new moon. Pictures, Images and Photos

I think Dakota is so cute.and how hot is Edward taking off his shirt?Lolz my eyes glued to that very picture when i saw it
New Moon Pictures, Images and Photos
Mike Newton Pictures, Images and Photos
I think Mike is cute...
Christian Serratos as Angela Webber Pictures, Images and Photos
I love this pic of Ang.I wish i had her hair
Unknown Photoshoot #1 Pictures, Images and Photos
always have been a fan of her...Okay I have followed a lot of ppl so far and i've been thinking everyone else blog is but mine is lolz.So do me a fav and tell me what you think of my blog.I'd really love that more then anything...well i'm ending this short tonight.I'll post again.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Moon

New blog yes?...I thought it was time to redo it.Likey?

So every has heard about the New Moon trailer yes?if not here it is

I've seen it 4 times as of now.And I've seen Twilight 19times now.I know right?Wow

So I've been thinking "Wow New Moon is going to be sooo cool" I mean am I wrong?
I'm reading Eclipse right now and I'm just getting onto chapter 19.
If i was Bella I would have been freaking out by chapter 19.I would have fainted somewhere in chapter 18 lolz.

I enjoyed Chapter 15 though.very entertaining yes indeed.But then again that's what it's supposed to do right?I mean it's a book...

Okay here's something I want everyone to answer

Who would you rather want as a sibling from Twilight?

I picked Alice bc she is always so happy and it's hard not to pick her and Emmett bc...well how can you not like Emmett?The reason why i didn't pick Edward was bc I'd like to have him as my Edward like Bella

Peter Facinelli who is Carlisle Cullen is in the show on showtime called "Nurse Jackie" I just indeed found this out last night.Oh he's so cute.Admit it...all the Cullen boys are hot yes?

well I'm done with this post.Until next time((And there will be a next time))

I'm Bella
