Monday, May 11, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Anne Frank

So you've all must have heard of Anne Frank yes?

Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank (Annelies_Marie_Anne_Frank (12 June 1929 in Frankfurt am Main – early March 1945 in Bergen Belsen) was a Jewish girl who was born in the city of Frankfurt am Main in Weimar Germany, and who lived most of her life in or near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. She gained international fame posthumously following the publication of her diary which documents her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.

Anne and her family moved to Amsterdam in 1933 after the Nazis gained power in Germany, and were trapped by the occupation of the Netherlands, which began in 1940. As persecutions against the Jewish population increased, the family went into hiding in July 1942 in hidden rooms in her father Otto Frank's office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Seven months after her arrest, Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, within days of the death of her sister, Margot Frank. Her father Otto, the only survivor of the group, returned to Amsterdam after the war to find that her diary had been saved, and his efforts led to its publication in 1947. It was translated from its original Dutch and first published in English in 1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl.

The diary, which was given to Anne on her 13th birthday, chronicles her life from 12 June 1942 until 1 August 1944. It has been translated into many languages, has become one of the world's most widely read books, and has been the basis for several plays and films. Anne Frank has been acknowledged for the quality of her writing, and has become one of the most renowned and most discussed victims of the Holocaust.

it is a sad story.But true...a lot of ppl say I look like her.And I say she's my sister by heart.I was visited by her and her family in a dream once.Shall I never forget what they said to me.Loud and clear "She's so gorgeous!" I heard Margot say.Oh it was so stunning to be visited by them.It was beyond glorious to see them all and well...My style is more 30's and 40's.I love old styles.Vintage will do for me...I enjoy reading about Anne.What I think is marvelous is Anne's birthday is June 12th and mine is June 26th.How wonderful?

Anne Frank Pictures, Images and Photos

Dazzling yes?

Anne Frank Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Push the movie

There are nine psychics in Push:
(1) Movers
(2) Pushers
(3) Watchers
(4) Bleeders
(5) Sniffs
(6) Shifters
(7) Wipers
(8) Shadows
and (9) Stitchers

your all wondering what they all do am I not right?
well here they are:

Movers manipulate inanimate objects at varying distances. The actual technique is known as kinetic signature control, where the Mover is trained to hear and identify the specific atomic frequency of any given material and alter the gravity wave around it, usually producing the nearby air to appear warped. Advanced Movers can work at the molecular level creating protective shields in the air around them.

Pushers push specific thoughts, memories, and even emotions into their targets. This technique can be used to gain a subject's trust or to have them perform any action, thinking it was their own agenda.

Watchers are trained to self-induce visions of the future, very much like a prolonged sense of déjà vu. The technique of following the future, either of a person or object, is called subject tracking. A Watcher's skill is primarily rated by how far they can see into the future.

Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels.

Sniffs are highly developed psychometrics who can track the location of either people or objects over varying distances. Like psychic bloodhounds, their tracking ability is increased if they have tactile access to an object that has been in direct contact with the subject. Sniffs receive information based on images, not specific addresses, which is why identifiable landmarks help increase their effectiveness.

Shifters can temporarily shift patterns of light on any object to create illusions to the naked eye. They work mostly on a touch basis, but once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for short periods of time. For example, a Shifter could momentarily touch a one dollar bill, altering its light pattern to appear as a one hundred dollar bill for hours until the effect expires. The length of the shift is based on experience and ability.

Wipers are skilled at either temporary or permanent memory erasure, an invaluable asset in espionage. Experience will dictate the accuracy of their wipes, though the danger is always present that they will eliminate a desired memory.

Shadows are trained to block the vision of other clairvoyants such as Sniffs, making any subject within their target radius appear "dark". Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect. Shadows need to be awake to perform their ability, and it is common for a detail of two Shadows to operate in shifts while protecting a person or object for extended periods.

Stitchers are psychic surgeons trained to quickly reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even "unheal" whatever they have done. For more detailed work, Stitches use a silver based cream on their hands which acts as a conductor to their ability.

I know a lot...Here's my question...which one would you be?'m a watcher...They seem pretty cool...I mean come on...if you have yet to see the movie...then's great and I myself love it dearly...I told you all I'd post again and here it is"Push"


It seems like I am maybe just a little happy.idk either.I catch myself smiling now and laughing...I'm reading some books now...and listening to some music.but not all my favorite kinds right now...I feel a mood of emo/sunny far I've seen Twilight 15 times...15 or 16 I can't remember right now.I can recap the whole movie too...But oh well...I'm just board and tired and that's why I'm posting.I'll post again later.ttyl!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hurting life,Painful reminder

I feel so depressed today.Like my whole world is crashing down upon me.I want to cry but I promised someone I wouldn't...But it's so hard to say goodbye to everyone I knew...I hate goodbyes.I'm moving way to fast to even stop and smell the flowers...sad thing is there are no flowers to smell...they've all died along with my fun and possibly happy world of free minded's not like me to show my feelings but this one hurts.I know your all probably thinking"Oh she'll get over it."...But I can't.I have nothing more to do and there's no point in checking my email anymore or even blogging.sorry if all this sounds pretty lame but I just feel so depressed...Sorry if I brought down anyone's mood