Wednesday, December 31, 2008



Sunday, December 28, 2008

Don't Forget

you know when you love or care for a person to dear death that you'd hurt yourself for them?The real question is they get you.they get your very own life but what do you get back in return?Human beings should not cling to a loved one much.We are all equal.we all die at some time or another.some die sooner then others.Just to think that people out in this world would take their own lives is a sad thing to live through.Even when you know that person.We all have a purpose in life,on this earth.God gave us life to do something good with it.Not bad.Not to kill ourselves.There's a true book called "Mistaken Identity"It's a true book and sad in between.I can't really say what it's mostly about but i saw a show on it.on the 2 women in the book.Looking the same.Don't ever forget where you came from.Who gave you life.Not only your parents but also our father and savior.God.


Monday, December 22, 2008

The Secret life of an American Teenager

Just simply talking

I'm leaving tomorrow for Christmas Break to go back home.such a sad thing.anyways I've been thinking has anyone seen the show called "Secret life of an American Teenager"?I love that show yet it's so not...I don't know.all these shows i watch all have beautiful girls in them.and I'm simply not a Bella...well short entry now.ttyl I'll be leaving tomorrow for Winter break but will post when i come home

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bad day

My night last night was horrible.I kept coughing so much that i almost had to go to the hospital.maybe i don't have just a cold and laryngitis.maybe i have laryngitis/the Flu.I've never had the flu before and my legs were killing me this much coughing i wanted to cry and my pills are hardly helping...but whatever this Thursday is Christmas and my little whatever it is has to be gone.I wont let this thing ruin my family's Christmas and mine as well...Yesterday was my brother's birthday(Christmas baby)and I'm the Summer baby.anyways not really much to say right now but I'll be back later.Peace!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whatever goes

this is one of my favorite songs by Namie Amuro called"I love you"
I'm putting out some of my favorite songs down for all to hear

called violet sauce Namie Amuro

Monica/Sharlene TM Juniors - Break The Ice

and I simply just put that last one down cos i love TM Juniors.their cool.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Screaming.I have a boyfriend,I have a boyfriend.Edward's my boyfriend.I finally got him.I finally woon.I am so happy.OMPD(Oh my pixie dust)okay well since he's new boyfriend i can finally say his real name.and i simply love it...Billy.2B's.Bella and Billy.WOW!!!sorry but i'm so very beyond happy.I keep reading it over and over and over again.maybe if i'm lucky I'll marry him in the future.*shrugs*hey i'm just thinking.yes oh yes i'm so very happy.No more pain,No more numbness,No more hole in my heart cos i have my boyfriend...Okay i'm u know that feeling you get.Butterflies in your tummy?Well for me.mine are butterfiles and then dragens.cos if i'm really shacking or completely neveres I can become very sick.Okay picture time.

Kristen Stewart(Bella Swan) Robert Parttinson (Edward Cullen) by Clarissa1309.
I simply love this picture Ali has

I still love Hilary Duff

I just love the dress and her as well

Twilight Carlisle Cullen by elphiegirl95.

I think he's cute...and i think i'm done.Peace out yo!

Confusing Life

Great news.REALLY GREAT NEWS!!!okay 1:My Edward*winks*who i still refuse to say his real name said to me last night over email right before going to bed"I love you"He finally said he loves me.And my friend who said she wanted to kill herself.Finally emailed me back stating that she is still alive.and okay*sighs*great to know.but on to Edward.He finally said i love you to me...To me...Me.the girl who normally sits in the back of the room day dreaming about a really cute boy walking up to me and saying i love you...But the confusing thing is is says he has tried to deny loving i that bad that he has to deny feeling for me?I'm happy really i am.yet I don't know if i should be mad at him.should I?or am I overreacting?...Anyways I'll be posting again later today hopefully.Peace out?

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Okay do anyone know what "Whampo"means?*shrugs*anyway.My Doctor says i have laryngitis.but not what i want to talk about right now...One thing.Is there anyone who is going to wait to have sex until their married?I am.I have a promise ring.okay so I'm emailing Edward*winks*and I completely lose it and say "I love you".Okay what was i thinking?His reply it's hard to tell himself he loves someone back...Including me...*rolls my eyes*Okay so i'm not mad just...confused.does this mean he doesn't love me back,does he hate me or what?More confusing love is indeed.okay he says I'm not he's saying he can't tell himself he loves me...I think i'm going to cry...I don't know what to do now...I feel like Bella when Edward left in "New Moon".so when is my numbness going to kick in?when will my pain take over to the point where i feel like i could faint?.Great now i have a hole in the middle of my heart...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crazy Dream

you know what i hate?when i have dreams that are trying to tell me something.i know that sounds wired but last night i had a dream about my friend.I have a very close friend who is thinking about killing herself.sad thing is she's a no help with i had a dream about waking up to the horror of hearing that my Edward*winks*and my very close friend has killed themselves.the tears pouring down my face set me into shock to where i awake in the middle of the night crying.I fear that they will kill themselves one day in the future.My friend cuts and my Edward plays the "choking game"I hate that but i try so hard to get them to stop but i seem to not help.How stupid.So now i'm more scared then ever to wake and find my nightmare came true.what can i do?

PS.I'm feeling much better from my cold.I can hardly hear anything or anyone for that matter but i'm doing good.Ali,you hoping i get better soon has really helped.Thanks!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I feel horrible

So i have a cold and my voice is going out.Bad deal for me.but no worries I'll be back soon.If anyone needs to get to me feel free to email me.Out!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Okay It is a Sunday and i'm more confused then a deer caught in headlights.(which is funny cos when i'm nerves i'm like a deer caught in headlights.)Okay well i shall first say Josh Groban is HOT(sorry)and second i'm only going to say this once but if i could i'd be(don't hold me against this either)Mrs.Pattinson.oh what Twihard's you'd say the same thing.well me and Edward*wink,wink*got into a little fight last night about classy girls.he said i wasn't classy.i mean this may just be him or me but i took offence from that.I am classy I'm just a tomboy who is not afraid to get dirty.Is that a problem?Tomboy's can still be classy and be themselves all the same.But I let it go cos i'd rather make Ed happy and not...mad.But whatever.Ali i can't believe your a vegentairen to.So am i.I became one when i was 8 i think.I got sick to the point were the Doctors said i could have been dead by now if i didn't go to the hospital.everytime i tell that story people always say"OMG i'm so sorry r u okay?"they make a big deal out of it.i don't mind but really it's not that big...But anyways.I'm leaving now cos well...i don't know what else to till next i'm Isabella.

PS.Ali it's okay to call me Bella if u want or one of my other nicknames i don't mind.And only will i do this but for anyone my email is
Just make sure to put down the subject "Blog"for me to reply.


Saturday, December 13, 2008


Okay so i know you all are probably wondering"is her real name Bella or is that just her screen name?"well it's both.while my name is not Bella my middle however is Isabella so i always put down Bella instead of just Isabella.I'm 14 i was born in June 26th 1994 and as you all can obviously see i'm completely in love with Twilight.I am blunt all though i try not to be sometimes.I'm very nice and sweet.never am i mean unless if i'm having a really bad day and i feel like crap*rolls her eyes*but other then that...i'm pretty cool.I love cats and dogs(i shall never pick)and i hate to see poeple down rather i truly know the them or not.My nicknames are Bella,Izzy,Isa,Summer,Olive,Yellow(don't EVER call me Yellow tho)Twihard(all though that's anyones nickname who loves Twilight)and that's all the NN i can possibly rememebr right now.My favorite colors are Blue and Pink(yeah eww pink so what i like it)and right now all i want is Edward*winks*But he has me worried to dear life.i shan't say what he dos to make me worry but lets just say i can never sleep in peace until i know he's asleep or okay.That's all i shall say.Oh and Ali if your reading this Thank you so much for posting on my blog i truly do appreciate it.And today i'll be posting one more time and i'll let you know what else is up.Till next time.

PS.I refuse to say my first name so till then just call me one of my nicknames above(just Yellow)

New Moon

Okay so i know i haven't said much lately but i have great news very big news to me.okay my crush FINALLY!!! broke up with his gf.yay and i got the book "New Moon"today.i was supposed to go see the movie today but change of plans(as always)so as i wait for my crush lets call him...Apple.oh no lets call him Edward yeah.anyways Edward broke up with his gf so i'm happy.meaning i'm next in line so move over girls Bella's next in line.*sighs*if only he knew that see we're really great close friends so i don't want to ruin that(Good Moly i hope he doesn't read this)so in the time i shall wait I'm going to drool over Robert Pattinson for now.okay well i just wanted to post before X-Mas.i'll be back soon.

Merry Christmas to all

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


okay so i'm completely board waiting for someone to email me which by the way i have finally told him i liked him...thats all i shall yesterday i kind of messed up my blog a little putting that "are you a vampire?"thing down.i'm sorry to whom ever can read the words(i sure can't)but on to something Modeling.i'm trying to model but the thing is when i'm older i wish to model with Victoria Secret models.yea i know "they hardly where a thing"but i think there all so cute.i've have a couple people asking me to model for them which is great...thing is...i don't know what more to do know.i'm completely shocked that people want me to model for them.i'm very beyond flattered oh dear yes.but i think it's all just moving way to fast before my eyes...what do you think?should i model for one of them or want to see if somw else wants me?...i don't know.just tell me what you think...hopefully i wont space out reading it all

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Are you a vampire?

style="border: 1px solid #000 !important; margin: 6px 0 !important">

"padding: 4px !important; background: #fff !important; text-align: center !important">
"font-size: 15px !important; font-weight: 700 !important; color: #000 !important; text-decoration: underline !important">
Are you a vampire?
"border-top: 1px solid #000 !important; padding: 4px !important; background: #eee !important; text-align: center !important">
Your Result is: A Vampire!

You are definitely a vampire! You better make sure you stay away from the sun, make sure you stay away from Vampire slayers!

A Vampire!

Take Are you a vampire?

"font-size: 15px !important; font-weight: 700 !important; color: #000 !important; text-decoration: underline !important">
Similar Quizzes

"border-top: 1px solid #000 !important; padding: 4px !important; background: #fff !important; text-align: right !important">
"font-size: 10px !important; color: #000 !important">"">
Character Quizzes
, "">"Arial" size="1" color="#000000" style=
"font-size: 10px !important; color: #000 !important; text-decoration: underline !important">
Educational Quizzes
& "">size="1" color="#000000" style=
"font-size: 10px !important; color: #000 !important; text-decoration: underline !important">
Fun Polls
by Bored Quiz

Monday, December 1, 2008


YES!it's finally December the 1st.i've been waiting for this month for so long.i love winter i love snow and i simply love December...ok i'm done.yea so i know my blog is a little boring...okay it's very boring but i'm working on that.hey i'm still a new-be.well since i have truly nothing to say and one of my friends checks out my blog i wont say what i'm dying to say.okay so the picture of Bella
i just simply ja' just think.your Bella and Edward is looking into your eyes.i don't know about you but i could faint just thinking about it.
this picture reminds me of in the book when Edward stays while Bella is sleeping.

Kristen Stewart(Bella Swan) Robert Parttinson (Edward Cullen) by Clarissa1309.
if only i could be Bella right there for just 5minutes

Edward Cullen 4 by obsessedpastime.

i wonder what he smells like in this one...

okay so i'm going to stop before the whole blog is full of Edward Cullen.but just remember"behind every dream is a nightmare"